
An Update on What's Been Goin' On

It has been a while since I’ve had time to write here, and for that I’m sorry because there have been a number of things I wanted to write about and share. Unfortunately, other things took priority for me (some important like health, but others less so), but I’m mostly sorry because you all are part of the community we are called to maintain connection with, who I thought of regularly at various events and experiences but did not follow through in sharing with you and listening to your thoughts.   So the following will take you through a few events that have happened over the past few months, connected with the song that Rachel and I agreed was central to what we wanted to do with this work.   First, let’s talk about a conference we got to attend at the end of 2018.   Called “Evolving Faith,” it was interesting to go and be kinda the outsider.   My faith has definitely evolved and is still evolving, but here the vast majority of participants and speakers were m...

Looking at How We Look at Bodies

Body Image, just the two words throw me for a bit of a loop.  Let me start by saying a few things: First, much of my views of body image come via listening to friends, girls I’ve coached, and former youth.  This means that I am speaking third person regarding some specifics, so I’ll try to stick to my experiences and the broader societal things that seem to cross many of the stories I’ve been privileged to be part of.  Secondly, I will probably focus the majority of this on Female body image, not because we guys don’t have pieces as well, but ours is less societal and less damaging overall.  That being said, I do have body image issues. I no longer have ultra-defined calves or my dancer’s butt and my diabetes has left me a bit out of shape in my own mind.  Finally, recognize that even if you agree to everything societal I present here, you really need to listen to the specific stories of those in your life and act to change the world based both on knowledge and ...

An Introduction to Rachel and "A"


Why are we doing this?

“Can you explain to me what you all are doing?”    I’ve gotten a number of versions of this question over the past couple of weeks regarding the posts about the excitement Rachel and I shared as we began to try out this larger ministry together and put up the first blog posts ( find Rachel’s blog here ) on these pages a couple weeks ago.    I have to admit though; I’m not sure exactly how to answer this.    We know we have some passions for things and that our call is to this work, but what we are doing will most likely take on a number of forms and will have pieces that come and go as we discover more about how we accomplish the whys of the work. So in an effort to introduce ourselves to those who are reading this and are interested, I offer this introduction to some of the whys. ( And Rachel offers some "Hows" here ) “Why are we doing this?”  The easy answer is because we saw all the intersections of our passions, skills, and ministerial abilitie...

The Ravages of "Time"

My friend Rachel has just posted a blog post entitled I’m Done Waiting on You and in it I’m referenced as “dear friend and coworker.”  She invited me to write my own response to our discussion she mentions.  It’s interesting to listen to someone talk about how they see their past chronologically, because you’ve only known them for a short part of that time, and what they remember is often just stories for you.  I came into Rachel’s story about 2 years ago and these discussions are a (somewhat) regular occurrence for us.  To talk about life and particularly the feelings we have towards God and/or others in relation to a moment in life.  A moment in life, this really is what life is all about.   It’s not about finding the path to some goal, but about finding ways to be in the moment.   This is what I remember most about our discussion that day: I kept referencing a selfie Rachel had taken of herself a couple of days earlier.   It was of her o...