
Showing posts from February, 2019

An Update on What's Been Goin' On

It has been a while since I’ve had time to write here, and for that I’m sorry because there have been a number of things I wanted to write about and share. Unfortunately, other things took priority for me (some important like health, but others less so), but I’m mostly sorry because you all are part of the community we are called to maintain connection with, who I thought of regularly at various events and experiences but did not follow through in sharing with you and listening to your thoughts.   So the following will take you through a few events that have happened over the past few months, connected with the song that Rachel and I agreed was central to what we wanted to do with this work.   First, let’s talk about a conference we got to attend at the end of 2018.   Called “Evolving Faith,” it was interesting to go and be kinda the outsider.   My faith has definitely evolved and is still evolving, but here the vast majority of participants and speakers were m...